Monday, March 30, 2015

Embracing Your Accent; WHOse YOU ARE

Can the people around me hear my accent?
Would they even ask who I am/who I belong too?
If they ask, will I be honest?
After a little while, those standing went up to Peter and said, "Surely you are one of them; your accent gives you away." Matthew 26:73
Accent: a way of speaking typical of a particular group of people (

For those of us who follow Jesus, we will likely hear of Peter's Denial message again this week.  Peter denies the connection of his accent, denying Jesus three times on the night in which Jesus was arrested. 
As we reflect on our own walk with Jesus, we too have denied our accent and Jesus:
  • in our thinking,
  • in our conversations,
  • in our actions and attitudes.
Scripture helps us deepen our accent:
  • Confess your denial-to God and a brother or sister in Christ (I John 1:9, James 5:16)
  • Receive God's forgiveness (Psalm 103:3)
  • Be encouraged in discussing your accent with friends in Christ (Hebrews 10:24)
  • Pray for inner strengthening and pray for others inner being (Eph. 3:16)
  • Remain in Jesus (John 15:1-8)
  • Live out our people group (1 Peter 2:9)
Everyday ways to embrace our accent:
  • encourage someone with your words
  • care for a hurting brother of sister in Christ (John 13:35)
  • lend a hand to a family member (do the dishes, run an errand, listen to them)
  • as the Holy Spirit urges you, speak of what Jesus means for you
  • when asked-you are empowered by the Spirit to say, "Jesus as your Lord" (I Corinthians 12:3)
Living our accent in the world, not of the world:
As Christians, we live in this world and live in grace to not be of the world.  This does not mean we are to be Bible beaters, raging tempers against non-believers, or speaking truth with out love.  We are called to "lovingly speak the truth" (God's Word Eph. 4:15). 
Jesus forgives, restores and commissions us, as Peter (even after denying Him), to bring the message of HIS great love to the world. 
What's one way you can you speak your accent this week (on attitude, word, action, thought)?
How can you claim your accent this week (claim you know Jesus)?
This is a statement of what God's done and is doing in my life.  I speak with an accent that is by HIS grace. God's grace in JESUS is what sustains me daily.  In a broken world, Jesus life death and resurrection offers restoration to our Father in heaven.  His message of hope is a message like none other, for me and this world.  I'm restored and valuable to God not because of anything I've done, rather because of what He's done for me. May I live unashamed of the Good News of Jesus-not denying my accent!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Drop Your Approval Rating, Increase Authentic Relationships

"If you're your authentic self,
                            there is no competition."
                                                         Scott Stratton

Most of us appreciate people who are genuinely themselves.  My husband often asks me, "What do you love about that friend or person?" 

The answer almost always includes responses:

"They are themselves (or genuine)."

"They're comfortable in their own skin."

"They accept me for who I am."

Our desire to receive approval or acceptance is often a barrier to being authentic (psychologists and authors have written much on the subject of authenticity).  Most of us want to look good in action, speech and appearance.  We will trade our real/authentic selves for a higher approval rating, thinking people will like or love us more. 

The truth is to increase connection we need to be authentic, real, and honest AND allow others to be authentic, real and honest.  No one is perfect!  

Relationships deepen when we are ourselves
Some ways I practice being the real me: 

  • share with a close friend that I feel vulnerable about   _______________
  • share something I'm really excited about
  • laugh at myself
  • admit mistakes and apologize
  • tell others who I am (experiences, abilities, passions)
  • practice saying what's on my mind even when it's uncomfortable
Some ways I practice being a safe place for others to be real/authentic:
  • being honest with my own struggles
  • listening without judgment
  • listening without fixing them
  • discuss real life joys, challenges, hurts, growth
  • keep their confidence
How do you practice being real and allowing others to be real?

What's one thing you can do this week to create authenticity in a current relationship or group?