Wednesday, March 2, 2016


QUIET TIME!?!  Over the years I've had a lot of conversations with women about quiet time with God. 

Here are two consistent facts that have come from these conversations:

-We know the importance of spending time in GOD'S WORD & with the WORD  (Jesus)
-We often struggle to regularly  spend  time in GOD'S WORD & with the WORD (Jesus)

We often ask these questions about taking time to be quiet with God:

"Where should I have my quiet time with God?"
"When should I have my quiet time with God?"
"What do I want to read/reflect/pray on during the quiet time?"

Different Perspective

Sometimes we busy our minds with so many thoughts and questions that our hearts are noisy.  Could it be that God wants to quiet our hearts for quiet time with HIM?  

Ponder:  We often think of quiet as external surroundings.  External quiet can be a part of quiet time AND being quiet in our spirit can also be a part of quiet time.  "He will quiet you by His love;  He will exult over you with loud singing." Zephaniah 3:17b

Personally my checklists and selfishness often get in the way of spending time in the Word with Jesus.  My racing mind and heart also prevent me from being quieted and connecting with God.

Recently, the community of faith I worship with has had a First 5 Challenge.  The idea is to spend the first 5 minutes of your day in the Word.  This has been very encouraging for me to focus on my relationship with God before the day's schedule begins.  My awareness for God's agenda in my life has increased by spending time with Him first.


What keeps you from spending time in and with the WORD?

What encourages you to spend time in and with the WORD?

Any "aha" moment you want to share in regard to this post?

Beyond Myself:  Who could you encourage this week to spend time in and with the Living WORD?

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in Him, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." John 8:31-32

RESOURCE:  Proverbs 31 Ministries has a free First 5 App, you can go to to find out ore about this app.

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